Here is your Friday story, What You “Know” Can Get in The Way! courtesy of Bob Proctor There are those that say, “The older you get, the harder it is / the longer it takes to learn.” Then there are those that say “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Scientists have done studies on more »
Author Archives: Steven Wilson
Your Friday Story, Graduation Advice
Here is your Friday story, Graduation Advice – courtesy of Bob Proctor Whenever I’m asked to give a commencement speech, I’m intimidated by the challenge of finding something to say that’s profound and practical without being trite. I haven’t succeeded yet, but that hasn’t stopped me from trying. So here are some thoughts for graduates: more »
Your Friday Story When There’s Nothing We Can Do
Here is your Friday story, When There’s Nothing We Can Do courtesy of Bob Proctor “Out of all that you possess, what do you believe is the most valuable?” he asked me. “Rich, you know me well enough to know I put little value on things in my life. So, this, for me, is a difficult more »
Your Friday Story, Gliding Through Life
Here is your Friday story, Gliding Through Life – courtesy of Bob Proctor Jumping over huge snow mounds, then propelling down steep snow slopes at a ridiculously high speed to the bottom of the mountains–what a feeling! Well, maybe in my dreams. However what was I going to say when the person who had asked me more »
Your Friday Story The Big Deal
Here is your Friday story, “The Big Deal – That Shouldn’t Have Been”. Courtesy of Bob Proctor The “big deal” in this case has nothing to do with Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, health care, or government bailouts. It did involve money, though, and that is part of the reason it made headlines. A couple of more »
Your Friday Story Learn to Fly
Here is your Friday story, Learn to Fly. Courtesy of Bob Proctor In mythology, the Phoenix is a sacred bird with beautiful red and golden feathers. This bird, at the end of its life, will build a nest of twigs, lay on the nest then ignite. The bird and the nest destroyed in a fierce fire. more »
Your Friday Story, What Will You Be Doing 7 Years From Now?
Here is your Friday story, Courtesy of Bob Proctor What Will You Be Doing 7 Years From Now? I graduated from Brazosport High School in Freeport, Texas in May 1972. Not dressed in white (honors), but I graduated. That summer like the previous summer, I worked as a longshoreman loading corn, flour and corn sacks more »
Your Friday Story How Lives Change
Here is your Friday story, How Lives Change – Courtesy of Bob Proctor The story I am about to share with you may not be relevant to your life. But I can assure you, someone you know can benefit from it. Read this slowly and then forward it to the individuals you know who feel stuck more »
Character Counts Refuse To Be Afraid
Refuse To Be Afraid Tim Wrightman, a former All-American UCLA football player, tells a story about how, as a rookie lineman in the National Football League, he was up against the legendary pass rusher Lawrence Taylor. Taylor was not only physically powerful and uncommonly quick but a master at verbal intimidation. Looking young Tim in more »
Your Friday Story The Daffodil Principle
The following is a true story that we send out at the beginning of every spring season. It has a lesson well worth reading. Courtesy of Insight of the Day Your Friday Story The Daffodil Principle Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, “Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are more »